About this episode
The original plan was for Jeff to talk with Nora Gordon and Carrie Conaway, authors of Common Sense Evidence: The Education Leader’s Guide to Using Data and Research. However, Carrie had a health-related issue, so it was just Nora and Jeff. Nonetheless, they had a super interesting discussion. Jeff loved the way these two professors have created a pragmatic guide for busy educational leaders to analyze data to make wise decisions and create a legitimate narrative. You are going to like this one.
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Nora Gordon is an economist and a professor at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, where she teaches graduate students how to use and produce research, and conducts her own research on how federal and state policies and programs affect educational opportunities and outcomes.
Nora is a graduate of Swarthmore College and obtained her Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. She was on the faculty of the economics department at the University of California, San Diego before moving to Georgetown in 2010.
Nora is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Non-Resident Fellow of the Urban Institute, and a member of the FutureEd Advisory Board. She served on the Institute of Education Sciences Expert Panel on the Study of the Title I Formula and on DC’s state Title I Committee of Practitioners. Nora is a former associate editor of the journal Education Finance and Policy. Nora has testified before Senate and House committees on implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and in federal court on the impact a Census citizenship question would have on Title I funds. She currently serves on the Professional Advisory Board of the National Center for Learning Disabilities and as a consultant to the National Student Support Accelerator.
Nora’s writing has appeared in academic journals as well as Education Week, Kappan, School Administrator, Educational Leadership, Education Next, The New York Times, and The Atlantic.
Nora and Carrie Conaway are the authors of Common-Sense Evidence: The Education Leader’s Guide to Using Data and Research, published in the fall of 2020 by Harvard Education Press.
Nora lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland with her husband, three sons, and dog.